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Computer Science Master of Engineering Diversity Scholarship
The CS Professional Masters Diversity Scholarship was created to advance the Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science’s commitment to access, equity, justice, and inclusion, and to enhance the diversity of the Computer Science Master of Engineering Program’s student population. These scholarships are available on a competitive basis to nominated students applying for fall admission who are U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, or students holding DACA, TPS, refugee, or asylee status. Applicants for fall will be able to indicate they are interested in being considered for the scholarship on the application.
The "Personal Statement" required for all applicants will serve as the scholarship essay.
If you wish to be considered for the CS Professional Masters Diversity Scholarship, your essay should explain how your unique background and experiences influenced your decision and ability to pursue a graduate degree. Additionally, provide insights into your potential to contribute to Cornell University’s core value to provide a community of inclusion, belonging, and respect where scholars representing diverse backgrounds, perspectives, abilities, and experiences can learn and work productively and positively together. Within your statement, you may also include relevant information on any of the following:
- How your personal, academic, and/or professional experiences demonstrate your ability to be both persistent and resilient especially when navigating challenging circumstances.
- How you have engaged with others and facilitated and/or participated in productive teams.
- How you have come to understand the barriers faced by others whose experiences and backgrounds may differ from your own.
- If relevant, how your academic interests focus on issues related to diversity, inclusion, access, inequality, and/or equity.
- Details on your service and/or leadership in efforts to advance diversity, inclusion, access, and equity, especially for those from backgrounds historically underrepresented and/or marginalized.
- Additional context on any significant barriers you have navigated to make graduate education accessible to you.
- Contextual details on any perceived gaps or weaknesses in your academic record.
Within the personal statement, you may also provide details of lessons learned from any of your lived experiences including but not limited to:
- being a first-generation college student or graduate (no parent/guardian completed a baccalaureate degree)
- racial, ethnic, and/or cultural background(s)
- managing a disability or chronic health condition
- experiencing housing, food, economic, and/or other forms of significant insecurity
- being a solo parent
- gender identity and/or sexual orientation
- having served in the military
- holding DACA, refugee, TPS, or asylee status